Food Justice Working Group
The Food Justice campaign addresses all things in the intersection of sustainability and food: food waste, food insecurity, sustainable food, and food justice. We do this by holding events, creating educational resources and post, connecting food stakeholders on campus, running programs, and advocating for change within the University food system.
Food Waste:
SSC Food Scrap Drop-Off Program: recruit as participants as possible, involve all volunteers interested in supporting the program, and collect as many food scraps as possible with the food justice resources offered by all the food orgs on campus, in addition to creating a sense of community and collaboration among all the food orgs.
Advocate for a mandatory organic waste recycling/ edible food recovery plan section in the event planning process
Push for non-HDH vendors to comply with composting mandates put forth by SB1383
Give students dorm food waste reduction tips
Food Security:
Food Justice Expo: Connect as many students as possible with the food justice resources offered by all the food orgs on campus, in addition to creating a sense of community and collaboration among all the food orgs
Promote the UCSD Food Guide made by USP 142C: Sustainable Food Systems as a resource that students can use to familiarize themselves with their newly found independence over their food
Sustainable Food:
Collaborate with Transportation Director to make Reels that show how to take public transportation to different farmers' markets around San Diego
Vegan Cook-Off: Host 1 themed cook-off per quarter that gives students a chance to try their hand at vegan cooking, share recipes with others, and be in community with students who are passionate about environmentally-conscious eating
General Advocacy:
Participate in the Sustainable Food Action Group with food stakeholders from HDH, UCEN, and faculty and represent student interests.
Create a Food Systems minor under the USP Department. This is my ESYS Senior Project.